Judges play key roles outside of court
Did you know that when you cast votes for criminal and civil district judges, you also have a hand in how Bexar County selects its purchasing agent? Or that, with those same votes, you're lending voice to how the county's juvenile probation and detention systems are run?
If you didn't know that, then last week's fracas involving judges' selection of a new chief adult probation officer probably came as a surprise, too.
Most Bexar County residents won't be directly affected by the judges' administrative work, but the jurists' noncourtroom duties matter if you care about how taxpayer money is spent and how criminal justice and rehabilitation is managed.
The process for picking a new chief probation officer came under scrutiny last week because of concerns the panel violated the Open Meetings Act when it offered the job to Jesús Reyes, interim chief of the Cook County probation office in Illinois.
Judges are expected to meet today to officially finalize their selection of Reyes to head the adult probation office.
According to Melissa Barlow Fischer, general administrative counsel for the criminal district judges, the group includes nine felony criminal judges, 13 misdemeanor judges and three juvenile judges.
And about six years ago, the job description for the county's purchasing agent was spotlighted and changed after concerns were raised about the office's dismal record of contracting with small and minority-owned businesses.
For most matters, though, the judges do this work mostly out of the public consciousness. It is, no doubt, yeoman's work that would put most of us to sleep. But unless someone's figured out how to count money with their eyes closed, it's worth paying attention.
Not unlike a school board, the judge panel that oversees the juvenile probation system sets the department's policy and direction and also hires the chief of juvenile probation. With the adult probation office, judges approve budgets and hire the directors but leave the policy and direction to the department's respective administrators.
The purchasing board has similar oversight and is made up of three judges and two county commissioners.
The juvenile board is composed of the county judge and 25 district judges. Today, the courts — and the board — add one to their ranks with the expected swearing in of Lori Valenzuela to the 437th District Court.
Outside of their courtroom work, participation on the juvenile board easily is the judges' biggest responsibility, made so decades ago by the state Legislature.
With an annual budget of about $41 million, the juvenile probation department in 2008 managed 7,136 young offenders, providing services to children and families who are referred into the system.
Most of the adult probation office's funding comes from the state, plus roughly $231,000 allotted by the county.
The purchasing office, meanwhile, receives nearly $1.2 million from the county's general fund and is responsible for all “procurement” services.
All of it, a far cry from the courtroom.
Veronica Paniagua-- San Antonio Express News
A discourse on legal issues of the day from Trey Wilson, a San Antonio, Texas lawyer practicing real estate law, water law and related litigation. Trey Wilson is the principal of R L Wilson Law Firm, and may be reached at 210-223-4100. No posting or content constitutes legal advice, as none is offered here.
15 December 2009
Bexar County Judges' Influence and Power Extends Far Beyond Courtroom
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Trey Wilson Attorney; Trey Wilson San Antonio; San Antonio Real Estate Attorney; Water Lawyer; Real Estate Lawyer in San Antonio; San Antonio Evictions Lawyer; San Antonio HOA lawyer
8:20 AM