Texas was in the top 20 states for the highest percentage of homeowners who owe more than their homes are worth, according to a new quarterly study by First American CoreLogic.
Of the 2.7 million Texas homes that had mortgages, nearly 17 percent showed negative equity at the end of the third quarter. Nationwide, 7.5 million mortgages, 18 percent of all mortgaged properties, had negative equity. The study covered about 80 percent of all mortgages, according to the mortgage data company.
A discourse on legal issues of the day from Trey Wilson, a San Antonio, Texas lawyer practicing real estate law, water law and related litigation. Trey Wilson is the principal of R L Wilson Law Firm, and may be reached at 210-223-4100. No posting or content constitutes legal advice, as none is offered here.
06 November 2008
Texas Amomng Top 20 in Negative Equity
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Trey Wilson Attorney; Trey Wilson San Antonio; San Antonio Real Estate Attorney; Water Lawyer; Real Estate Lawyer in San Antonio; San Antonio Evictions Lawyer; San Antonio HOA lawyer
10:07 PM