Attorney Trey Wilson - RL Wilson Law

29 July 2008

Welcome to Sword of Justice -- the San Antonio Law Review

Welcome to the San Antonio Law Review! This Blog -- Sword of Justice -- is intended to be a review of the legal issues of our day, from the perspective of Trey Wilson, a lawyer in San Antonio, Texas. Our name derives from a somewhat obscure but powerful quote by a relatively unknown frenchman -- "The Sword of Justice Has No Scabbard." This quote is profound, in that it acknowledges that there is never a cease-fire or even temporary truce in the fight for justice, and that Lady Justice's sword must remain eternally unsheathed -- ever ready to strike down the unjust. It has always been inspirational to me, and serves as the perfect counter-part to to Isaiah 48:22, which proclaims that there is "no peace for the wicked." (often misquoted as "there is no rest for the wicked"). This blog will be updated frequently with stories, entries and pictures from the life and times of a lawyer practicing in San Antonio. On these pages, I will track and offer commentary on the stories that make San Antonio's headlines, and on the issues encountered in my law practice. I hope that you find it refreshing, antertaining, and maybe even a little educational.

Trey Wilson --Named By Scene in SA Magazine As One of San Antonio's Best Real Estate Litigation Attorneys -- September 2008 -- As voted on by peers